FAF: A Very Fibery Christmas

I think I fell into a 3 week Fiber Arts Friday void.  But I’m back and boy have I been busy while I was gone.

Here’s a whole bunch of finished projects.

1. Red and Green Scarf.  This was made out of our own alpaca, hand spun/dyed into a thick bulky yarn.  I knit it up into this tube scarf and holy cow is it thick and WARM!  I was going to give it away as a gift but ended up getting cold and using it myself.  Yeah, Merry Christmas to me!


2. Baby Afghan- DONE!  Not quite meant for a baby any more as the little guy this will be heading off to is a year old now.  Good thing too because this blanket is heavy!   Totally hated the project and I’m glad it’s done.  Lion Bran Homespun yarn SUCKS.  It splits, is hard to see stitches but I must say it is oh so soft and makes for a beautiful project once all the swear words have left my mouth.

3. I had some left over acrylic yarn and started crocheting in a circle to take up time.  Well my circle got pretty big and I like the way the colors turned out.  I think it would make for a nice mat on my dinning room table to set a vase of flowers on.   It’s also thick enough that it could be used as a hot pad too.


4. If you haven’t checked out the tutorials I made this week here are the links.

Speed Knitting iCord using an Embellish Knit

Addi Express Tutorials

Well that about sums up the last 3 weeks for me. What have you been up to?