FAF: Down and Out

Hello Fiber Arts Friday Fans,

I didn’t get much done thanks to a kidney stone which is driving me totally nuts.  Stuck inside and with an infection thanks to the little bugger.  ERRR.

I did manage to dye up some alpaca and hand card it into mini roving bumps.  There’s about 2 oz here.  $6 if anyone wants it otherwise it’s going into my stash for Tour de Fleece.  Gosh that is coming up pretty quick too! Yikes!

The only other thing I managed to do was make about 60 ft of iCord and dye it up for another dog leash.  It’ll be the same Royal Blue and Tan as the leash I made a few weeks ago but the owner wants this one 8 ft long instead of 6 ft.

Well that’s it.  I’ll leave you with a little video of me hosing off the girls.  It’s been so darn hot lately.  The one with the bandana is Beanie, we’re still waiting for her to have her cria, she’s 10 days overdue now.

FAF: Shearing. Done.

Good day fellow Fiber Arts Friday Followers.

I’ve been MIA for a bit because last weekend was our shearing and farm day.  What a blast!  I saved 3 alpacas to shear to show folks how it’s done and spent the rest of the time giving pony rides to all the kids.  What a blast!  So much fun and so much work to have everything go so smoothly.  Can’t wait to do it again next year.

Look what I got in the mail!  14lbs of yarn! This is yarn from the 2nd cut off our alpacas last year blended with 15% nylon and 5% wool for a strong sock yarn perfect for well socks, sweaters, vets or weavers.  Available in bulk on the cone or by the skein.   See our new shop for details.

Lastly we had a birth on the farm!  A total surprise from an alpaca I picked up just 3 weeks ago.  The guy who sold her to me nor I had any clue she was pregnant.  I actually thought she was skinny and kept feeding her more!   She happily ended up giving birth to a bouncing 17lb baby boy!  Shh… don’t tell my hubby I let him loose in the house after I weighed him LOL

FAF: Cubicle Blocking

Good day Fiber Arts Friday Followers!

This week I had my dye pot going cooking up some new colors of Lollypop Yarn.  There’s a Purple, green, blue one.  A yellow and green that I let bleed together and a blue, gray and cranberry red.


I also finished the cowl to go with my 30 minute hat.  Since I was knitting it at work I figured what the hell, I’ll block it there too.  It turns out cubicle wall are useful for something other than tacking up sticky notes.

This weekend I’ll be shearing my first ever llamas.  Should be interesting.  The lady says they haven’t been touched in 2 years and I can keep whatever fleece I get off them.  Hmmm.  Llama

FAF: Speed Knitting

Hello Fiber Arts Friday Fans,

Sorry this is a really quick post.  I don’t have a lot of time this morning since I have a lot to do at the day job today.

So I leave you with this video I did earlier in the week.  It’s me making a roll brim hat on my Addi Express King Size.  From cast on to weaving in the ends and trying on the hat it took me exactly 30 minutes.

I’ve decided to do a Lollypop Yarn giveaway! If you know where the song I used in the video came from shoot me off the answer in an email. (contacts page). If there’s more than 1 person who guesses it then I’ll do a drawing. A couple of hints, It’s a recent song and you do have to be a bit of a nerd to know it.

FAF: FO’s and Furs

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

I finally finished my KAL La La Shawl.  After binding off I decided to half double crochet a boarder out of some hand spun yarn I had that.  Sorry It’s not blocked yet so here’s just a teaser photo.

I’ve also been dying the Facebook page winner Lollypop skeins and here’s the latest one that came out of the dye pot.  Dark blue, purple and green.  Photos never seem to get the colors right but at least the purple showed up this time!

Lastly we have furs! Yippy!  A few weeks ago a few of us took a road trip down to the tanner to pick up our orders and toured the facility.  Color me weird but I just love tanneries.  No where else will I ever be able to get to feel the wonderful textures of so many different pelts from wolverines to giraffes.  Anywho, here’s the furs I now have up on Etsy.